As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Employment History
• usher at the Historic Tennessee Theatre
• babysitter/house sitter (2014-present)
Community Service
Knoxville Children's Theatre (2008-2020) KCT gave me an outlet to cultivate my passion for theatre in learning skills in acting and in technical work.
Spanish Honor Society (2017-2020) In this academic club, I served as a member and was elected Secretary, organizing festivals and hosting events connecting the local hispanic community in Knoxville to our school.
Company West Choir and Theatre (2016-2020) I have been active in my choral and theatre departments in my school, including acting in plays, teaching the musicals, and singing in choral concerts and showcases.
Compassion Closet (2016-2020) My family has been a foster family for the past 4 years, connecting me with Compassion Closet, which acts as a free lending system for foster families. Here, I have organized and gathered donations.