As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I studied in India for a year in elementary school. I then studied at a private catholic school called Mary Immaculate and later went to Hebron High School.
I am a mostly A-honor roll student and am a part of the Spanish National Honor Society. I also advanced to State as part of my HOSA online competition for Human Growth and Development. I have earned many student of the month awards.
I am a junior volunteer at Dallas Methodist Medical Center. I transport patients on wheelchairs, run errands, and communicate with patients. I also volunteer at my church during vacation bible schools and other fundraiser activities and programs. I volunteer at events at my high school and elementary and middle schools near me. I have been a part of NHS and Key Club which require over 60 community service hours.