As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Potential Majors
Architecture - General, Art - General, Interior Architecture, Liberal Arts & General Studies, Other/Not Listed
Algebra I, Algebra II, Art, Biology, Chemistry, English, Fine Arts, Geography, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physical Science, Science, Spanish, Statistics, U.S. History, Other
Education History
Spent one year at primary school in Rolleston, New Zealand, spent a year and a half at New Haven Elementary before becoming homeschooled in the second grade. Attended SPARK, a homeschool co-op once a week. Began at Ryle virtually before becoming an in-person full time student as a sophmore.
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Weighted GPA is 4.389. Very involved in honors and AP classes. So far have received a 5 on AP Human Geography, a 3 on AP European History, a 4 on AP Language and Composition, and a 5 on AP US History.
Trombone, Violin
Visual Arts
Drawing, Painting, Photography, Other
• All State Fine Arts with awards across Ceramics, Fibers, and Fashion Design in Regions and three pieces displayed at the 2023 show with awards won in both Fashion Design and Ceramics.
• 4 time Northern Kentucky Select Band member
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Involved in various auditioned groups such as the Honors Wind Symphony and Jazz Orchestra. 10 years of involvement in music combining violin and trombone participation in both private lessons and public school directors.
Marching Band
2023-2024 Directors Award
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Marched for 3 years as a trombone player. Highly involved in the program and was on the band's leadership team for 2 years teaching and organizing other band members. Ran the student prop crew and managed a team that transported and stored the band's props.
Professional Interests
Apparel/Fashion, Architecture, Arts/Crafts, Design, Education, Government, Other
Community Service
Working in cat foster from 2015-2023. Helped with fostering cats in need by cleaning animals space and socialization through quality time and play. Did around 20 hours of service work for the band program by work concessions, guiding bands at home completions, and running a bake sale.