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For junior year, I made Dean's List all four quarters.
Additional Info
My friend and I began the Operation Christmas Child Club at my school. We have fundraisers, monthly meetings, and get more people involved in volunteering for OCC.
I am the Editor in Chief of my school's newspaper, The Flintridge Press. This summer, we are currently creating a website for the paper and will be print and digital for the upcoming school year.
I am a part of the Yearbook Staff at my school. I help with interviews and sports copy.
Employment History
Occasionally, I cover sports games for the Outlook and my articles have been published.
I was the recipient of the Stan Kelton award at the CSPA journalism workshop at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 2017. The award was given to the student who best embodied the spirit of the workshop.
Community Service
• I am a year-round volunteer for Operation Christmas Child. I am on the San Gabriel Valley West team as a Student Relations team member. I connect with youth group and schools in the area, I make presentations, and get students to volunteer during National Collection Week. I also help the team at different events during the year.
• I am a tutor at Washington Elementary for Reading Partners.
• I went on a missions trip to Ensenada, Mexico for week and helped build churches, orphanages, and passed out food and clothing.