As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, English, Geometry, Spanish, U.S. History, World History, Other
Education History
I am a senior in high school and I skipped my junior year of high school. I have taken honor courses every year of my high school life. I also took a high school class in middle school.
I have received honor roll and high honor roll every year of high school. I got my greenhand degree and my chapter degree in FFA. I also got accepted into NHS.
Additional Info
I skipped my junior and I am now graduating with only going to high school for 3 years. I am apart of FFA and National Honors Society. I have received enough points in NHS that I will graduate with honors. I plan to go to college after I graduate high school and major in wildlife conservation.
Additional Info
I played the trumpet for two years in middle school and one year in high school.
Professional Interests
Employment History
I have worked at a restaurant for over a year now. I am a hostess so I seat people, take take-out orders, and use the register to cash people out. I also train people when we have a new hostess.
Community Service
I have done some community service. I have picked apples for hungry people. We go to a farm and pick apples off the ground that are still good to eat, but people won't buy. I have also picked other fruits and vegetables from farms.