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Algebra II, Art, Biology, Business Administration, Calculus, Engineering, Geometry, Mathematics, Nursing, Science, Spanish, U.S. Government, U.S. History
Education History
• I graduated from Westlake High School with a 3.4 GPA
• I won a 200$ award from zions bank for having A's and being a good scholar in eighth grade.
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I served for two years on a voluntary mission to serve and help those from mexico learn english, life skills, and how to have better families and relationships.
I learned spanish in my voluntary service. By daily study and practicing every day.
Visual Arts
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I was in a movie making class. I learned the basics of good movie making. Including how to make a horror, comedy, and drama type of cinema. I recieved a A in the class.
Football, Tennis, Volleyball, Wrestling
Bench Press
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I weight lifted in high school.
I am an endurance runner, I was the final participant who was not eliminated on a PE physical education cardio test.
i am athletic and wish i did more sports in high school. I do have natural talent and great perseverance.
Professional Interests
Entertainment, Government, Management, Nonprofit - Social Services, Nursing, Real Estate, Translation
Employment History
• Designer and solar Instalation at Vivint Solar
Employee award at Vivint Solar. Awarded for being one of the fastest and hardest working autoCAD designers. (i would design blue prints that installers would reference when installing solar panels on roofs.)
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I worked as a installer (hard construction type of work) For 3 months then moved onto being a designer for 9 months. I have learned a lot about how solar works, and the most efficient way to use it, and place it.
Community Service
Served 2 years in Portland and other neighboring cities in Oregon. There i worked with hispanics. While there i helped people learn english, make goals, and overall how to better their lives.
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I learned very valuable lessons as well. Every day my colleague and i would have a set apart time to plan the activities for the next day. We would set daily and monthly goals and hold our selves accountable. I learned how to manage my time better and how to reach my goals. I learned how to work harder and be patient.