As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Chamber and Madrigal Choir:
Involvement: Participated in school’s advanced vocal ensemble. Taught audition skills, gained travel and performance experience & learned music theory ideologies.
Work (Paid)
Moku Bowls
Involvement: First job where I prepared food, served customers, used register and worked as a shift leader. Taught communication and teamwork skills.
Work (Paid)
New Hope Star Diner
Involvement: Waitress at local diner where I regularly served customers. Learned how to work in a high-pressure, face-paced environment.
Work (Paid)
Social Media Manager/Photographer
House of Handsome Hair & Beards
My Dad’s barbering business which I assist in advertising and managing social media. Designed logo, work and communicate with clients, print T-shirts and signs. Take photos and edit for social media.
Model United Nations
Club Member
Went to conferences and assisted with our school’s “culture night”. Hosted meetings and events.
New Hope Celebrates
Community Organizer
Involvement: Town’s local LGBT organization that hosts community events, especially during pride month in June. Plan events and stands during pride festival.
Lambertville in Soldarity
Protest Organizer/Publicist
Led anti-racist protests, organized and advertised protest dates.