As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
My GPA comes out to 4.3 when calculated with all of my AP classes and in school internships. I am enrolled in and have been enrolled in multiple dual credit courses and AP courses. I am a straight A student and I am also apart of multiple extracurricular activities.
Additional Info
I am apart of multiple clubs, along with being an officer of my school's first feminist club and co-founder of my school's first environmental club.
I placed 14th at Nationals for the Young Filmmakers UIL along with Co-director Tessa Kenworthy. My AV Production team and I placed 1st and earned the award "Best Picture" at Bexar Fest's Film Festival with our documentary We Speak For The Creek.
Additional Info
I will be holding the position of official secretary for Champion High School Choir for the year 2019-2020.
Employment History
I do extensive babysitting, and have worked as a hostess at a local pizza shop in my town. Currently, I am employed part-time at an antique store in my town while I go to school. I will also be interning this year at Cibilo Nature Center through the AV Production course at my school.
Community Service
Every summer in July I volunteer at my church's vacation bible school. I love talking to children about their beliefs and helping them understand and interpret the Bible in their own way. I volunteer multiple times throughout the year at local San Antonio races and runs. I also continuously volunteer through National Honors Society at my school.