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Algebra I, Algebra II, Art, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Chinese, Economics, English, Fine Arts, Geometry, Mathematics, Physical Education, Physics, Reading, Science, Statistics, Trigonometry, U.S. Government, U.S. History, World History, Other
Education History
I am a high-achieving, straight A student. One of the most astonishing parts of my education, I believe, is that since middle school I have taken very advanced math classes. In addition, I am attending one of the most prestigious high schools in the U.S. So, since 9th grade I have been required to take mostly honors classes and some AP, and I have excelled at all of these rigorous classes. I am currently going into my senior year and I have big hopes for college in a year.
Additional Info
I am interested in majors in computer science/programming/engineering. More specifically, I am interested in a video game design related major that focuses on computer science/programming.
Visual Arts
Animation/Cartooning, Computer Animation, Drawing, Graphic Arts, Graphic Design, Video Game Design
Additional Info
I have a remarkable passion for video game design. I have been learning how to make video games since middle school, and I have made great progress. What I enjoy about game design is that it satisfies both my creativity when it comes to art, and my passion for problem-solving and logic when it comes to programming. I have dabbled in many game design related activities in my free time, including digital art, graphic design, and animation. I enjoy engaging in game design related activities at my high school too. As a senior, I am taking Advanced Game Design and Digital Art, and I have joined Digital Media Club and Computer Science Club. I am really excited for a career in game design.
Professional Interests
Computers, Design, Engineering, Entertainment, Other
Additional Info
I enjoy working with technology, particularly programming, and I enjoy creating media using technology, including digital art, graphic design, video games, music, and more. I am interested in a career in the video game industry.