As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
Nabeel aspires to become a senior chemical engineer. He is passionate about hard work, sports, and volunteering. Nabeel is an ambitious, goal-focused, and self-disciplined individual driven by a strong desire to achieve meaningful and important goals. With a solid foundation in mathematics, including calculus, trigonometry, algebra, and geometry, along with a comprehensive understanding of science subjects, he is currently enrolled in Advanced Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, and Biology. Nabeel believes in the importance of giving back to the community.
As a college sophomore, Nabeel consistently earns a spot on the Honor Roll and is a proud member of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars for the 2022-2023 academic year. His interests extend to soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and video games.
Nabeel's favorite quote is "For every minute you're angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
Additional Info
Architecture. Productions: Auxiliary projections, Orthographic projections, Isometric projections
Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball, Other
Athletic Awards:
Gold medal (x2) in Soccer
Gold medal (x3) in Basketball
Gold medal (x3) in Volleyball
Gold medal (x4) in Table Tennis
Silver medal in Shotput
Silver medal in Scrabble
Crescent High Soccer MVP 2020-2022
Crescent High Basketball Rookie of the Year 2020-2021
Professional Interests
Engineering, Health/Fitness, Science, Sports
Employment History
• Engineering Scientific and Technical Intern at PA Department of Transportation | Engineering District 8-0
• Statistics Researcher at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
• Cashier at RITE AID
Community Service
Community Volunteer at Tri-County Community Action: I was responsible for setting up tents, cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming, stacking inventory, delivering flyers, cleaning gardens, fixing poles, giving out foods from the market, and taking attendance. Our goal is to help people, families, and communities break the cycle of poverty by utilizing the strengths and resources already at our disposal. Among the services we offer are financial literacy education, budgeting, and home buying. I have learned a lot from this organization, and it has allowed me to put a smile on many faces. Ultimately, my aim is for us all to live in a neighborhood free from poverty. Having worked with local charities and civil society groups, more people benefited from my efforts to fight discrimination in my neighborhood.
Hours completed; 3000
Additional Info
Community Volunteer at Recycle Bicycle of Harrisburg: I fixed bikes, pumped tubes, registered bikes, cleaned floors, and assembled bikes. At Recycle Bicycle of Harrisburg, we fight poverty using simple and durable measures. We do not offer charitable cycling services, but we work to give more power to people who are born with the chances they have against them. With a bike, people have the tool they need to get to the basics, so they can pursue a better future. The mission of Recycle Bicycle is to offer all residents of the greater Harrisburg area, in particular those who have limited means, access to safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally sustainable means of transportation through cycling.
Hours completed; 3000