As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I have been attending Edgar Public Schools since I was in third grade. Before that I switched schools three times and now I am graduating from Edgar High School.
Employment History
I worked at McDonalds in Marathon as my first job for less than six months. Then I went and worked at Shopko in Wausau and left them so I could focus on my school work. About a year later, I was hired at Crossroads County Market in Wausau and stayed there for a year and I now work at Sam's Club in Wausau.
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Community Service
I have been an Aspirus Volunteer since my eighth grade year and have continued volunteering there since and now have over 200 hours of service in their emergency department.
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I also volunteer with my school club FCCLA. We have volunteered to put up Christmas lights in the Marshfeild Zoo and have come to help collect food and cash donations to our local food pantry when we help. I have recently helped make a yarn wig for children going through chemotherapy and have lost their hair. We contributed some ideas for the boys to get wigs when they lose their hair as well.