As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Awarded “Excellence in Costumes” from the 2017 Schmidt & Jones Awards
Professional Interests
Apparel/Fashion, Design, Entertainment
Employment History
Bed Bath and Beyond (August 2017- ...)
Community Service
• Competed in "Battle of the Sexes", two theatrical shows compete to raise the most money for each respective charity (2016)
• Assisted the middle school production of The Lion King Jr. at Downing MS (2016)
• Volunteered at the Haunted Trail attraction to raise money for charity (2016)
• Competed in "Battle of the Ages", two theatrical shows compete to raise the most money for each respective charity (2017)
• Competed in "Battle of the Sexes", two theatrical shows compete to raise the most money for each respective charity (2018)