As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Potential Majors
Cinema/Film, Cinematography/Film/Video Production, Computer System Administration, Mental Health Counseling, Psychology - Clinical & Counseling, Social Work
Additional Info
Proud dad of a beautiful daughter, which I wholeheartedly love, and miss, with all my soul.
I hope she will allow me to be a part of her life, as I love her without any limitations. I truly wish upon a star, that she knows me, for who I really am. Just us, as I wish no stress on my lovely daughter, her family, for us, or anyone for that matter. I just want to correct what went wrong many years ago. Love you, M.G.M. 07-22-2023.