As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Most improved.
Best Sportsmanship.
Distributing endurance and determination to team.
Varsity Track.
Wesco Track championships.
Additional Info
So far during my first two seasons in Track and field, got on varsity track, and made it to the Northwest County Track Championships for Javelin.
Employment History
Brand rep
Community Service
Assist elders/neighbors shovel show, rake leaves, mow lawns, care for gardens.
Volunteer volleyball coach at local boys and girls club.
Help clean gym, set up/take down games, referee for boys and girls club.
leader at vacation bible school.
Run bingo nights in local town for elders, and children.
Watch elementary children after school for 2 hours each week.
Run pumpkin carving for elementary children. Past 6 months have gotten 60 hours of volunteer time for community.
Additional Info
I am currently enrolled in NHS (National Honor Society) so I volunteer much of my time for my community.