As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I am currently getting a Liberal Arts degree at DMACC. I am hoping to transfer to the University of Iowa to get a bachelor's degree in Screenwriting Arts.
• Five DMACC Foundation scholarships.
• Hotel Pattee scholarship.
• Acknowledgment letter for attaining the honor roll three times throughout high school.
• Silver cord for volunteering 90 hours throughout high school.
Additional Info
I want to become a screenwriter who will not just entertain others, but also inform and persuade them regarding topics that need to be solved or discussed more. I want to inspire others who have dreams like mine, inform people about PCOS, racism, homophobia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, ADHD, and sexism, and donate the money that I make from my films to people who are in need.
I have already started working on a film about God that includes sexism and a film about time travel that includes homophobia. I have the film ideas. All that I need are the education and credibility that the University of Iowa could give me. Through internships, I can start working towards a better tomorrow and accomplish my goals.
I always feel so lucky to be myself and I want to help people who are not as fortunate as I am. I have also thought about making scholarships available to college students of all ages that have PCOS. I have first-hand experience and I know how unpleasant it can be.
Visual Arts
Cinema/Film, Photography
Employment History
I don't have any employment history. I volunteered 90 hours throughout high school and 25 hours during my first semester at DMACC.