As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
I am currently in the National Honors Society for my school and have been nominated to be a part of the National Society of High School Scholars.
Additional Info
I have been in two (going to become three) musicals my school has put on and one has won best musical, best orchestra, and best costumes. I've been in chorus for two years and honors chorus for another two years.
Community Service
I sing for the elderly at nursing homes (especially around the holiday season), and did so last year (2014) and will do it again this year (2015).
All who take joy in singing in front of others and who would do anything to do this as a career, join here! (Any type of vocalist can become a member, soprano, alto, tenor, or bass/baritone--join!)