As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
Finishing my bachelors of science in Biology at Penn State University. Previously attended DCCC and completed my accociates degree in Science and Health.
I have been on the Dean's List Honoree, for a total of 7 semesters. Also the Presidents list for 2 semesters.
Awarded PSAA Trustee Brandywine Scholarship, Riegel Family Open Doors Scholarship, Feinman Fam Open Doors Scholarship, M. & L. Dambly Open Doors Scholarship.
Additional Info
I am currently a Mom of a 2 year old boy. I was pregnant while still attending college full time, I gave birth during midterms week and finished the semester with honors.
Employment History
Bench Jeweler/ Master jeweler for 10 years.
Community Service
Volunteer Dental Assistant,
Director of a youth group including 20 girls and boys ages 10 to 17 and a staff volunteer adult counsellors and instructors, 1 year.
Race for the Cure "Fund Raiser for Breast Cancer"
Head Start Program Volunteer "distributed dental health information to new and expectant mothers."
Collected food, clothing and toys for Children's hospital patients during the holidays, 3 years.
Elementary classroom volunteer for various activities from reading labs to cutting and pasting, Amosland elementary K-6, 5 years.
Raised $37,000 for orphans in Morocco.
Built four wells that are distributed throughout Africa.
Volunteer at local nursing homes twice a month with local church and conduct frequent activities with patience such as sing songs, read books, talk to, and help feed, 7 years. Pheed Philly volunteer; I help distribute food, hygiene products, clothes, and blankets to those in need throughout the city in the hometown of Philadelphia, 2 years.
Collection Volunteer, Toys for Tots every year since 2012.