
  • 1 member led by Anastasia Mastros
    This group is for any multiple birth sibling (twin, triplet, etc.). In this group, we will discuss hardships in sending multiple siblings to college in one year, including the financial costs. In this group we will discuss how being a multiple is a minori...  more
  • 10 members led by Anastasia Mastros
    This group is for people with multiple talents but who have not yet decided in what major they have chosen to study in college. This group is not limited to just people who are undecided, but also people who are curious to what other pathways might be rig...  more
  • 1 member led by Dylan Franklin
    Comparing Law Schools to attend in 2017.
  • 1 member led by McKaila Danajka
    Future females who aspire to pursue careers in STEM.
  • 4 members led by Corie McGowen
    Students aspiring to contribute to the culinary arts world by becoming a chef/baker/nutritionists/ect.
  • 2 members led by Fortune Magara
    Future Accountants :)
  • 5 members led by Charity Taylor