As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I have a degree in carpentry and I am now working and a full degree in welding. I got my GED in 2011, but finally going to college has been my biggest joy.
Employment History
Most of everything I have ever done has revolved around building things, whether it was fabricating, building residential or commercial complexes. I have about 18 years of experience.
Community Service
I regularly attend and volunteer at my church, First Baptist Church Ruston LA. I was in FCA in high school
Additional Info
To be honest I was a troubled child with and great father and a mother who took me far down the wrong paths to the point that I lost myself. I began to take from society and hurt everyone around me. It wasn't until I found myself in prison for 4 years that I had realized that I had had enough. When released I wanted to do better and give, but never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be where I am today! Today I am happily married to a wonderful woman who always encourages me to do better. I am a proud father of two little boys who my wife and I adopted out of foster care and both have my entire heart! Both my wife and I are active foster parents and I do it so I help keep the kids away and out of the life I had as a child and teen. I'm not ashamed of what i have been through, it makes me who and what I am today because I believe in ambition, from homeless to Harvard!!