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Algebra I, Algebra II, Art, Biology, English, Literature, Mathematics, Physical Education, Physics, Spanish, U.S. Government, U.S. History, World History
Cross Country
I won an award for being first team all league.
Professional Interests
Architecture, Arts/Crafts, Construction, Food/Beverage, Health/Fitness, Nursing, Science, Other
Employment History
In the past two years, I have worked for the Catalina Island Company’s movie theater. At the movie theater I have learned several skills. I work five days a week and even though I am not working for very long it is still enough money for myself. I choose not to rely too much on my mother because she does a lot for me and has other expenses.
Community Service
I’ve contributed to my school and my community with my participation in Interact Club which involves setting up community events and community trash clean ups, along with much more. I am the artist of my class and have helped my class design our class t-shirts which will be used next year as a part of our uniform and is used now for school spirit points. I find myself contributing with my class when it comes to props and designs when necessary. I joined clubs that offer support with communication, mental health information, and stress reduction like Peer Mediation and Restorative Justice. Building relationships with my peers, teachers, and community members is important to me. I’ve also been in a club called Fellowship of Christian Athletes which meets at lunch every week when school is in session. There I can combine religion at school to find a way to get closer with God and to connect with others that share the same beliefs.