As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Employment History
Van Heusen, Tommy Hilfiger Kids, and Burger King
Community Service
I have participated in a number of community service activities. In the organization, FCCLA, that I am involved in at school, we have done many activities such as Feed My Starving Children, collecting Christmas gifts for local teen mothers, and an event called Breakfast with Santa. For my 24 community service hours for the National Honor Society, I have done several volunteer culinary events where I cook/clean, worked a game booth at a local elementary school fun fair, and was a part of a games committee preparing games for a Christmas event. Also with my sisters work Tommy Hilfiger, I went to the Ronald McDonald House to prepare the families a meal.