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Education History
I have always been a good student. I get my homework turned in on time, and I have always received B average grades. I dedicate everything into my education because that’s how I was raised. But as a teenager I have definitely had my downs and struggles. As a young black teen, I have always tried to fit in and be like everyone else around me at all costs. At one point I found myself giving into the high school peer pressure. I am no perfect student and I have definitely encountered my fair share of failures. But let me tell you this, I have not given up and I will not give up until I am successful. I want to be something more than another statistic. I want to further my education and grow as an independently successful black woman.
Additional Info
I am proud of myself for getting into my first choice, Sacramento State. And I look forward to attending there psychology program in the fall. It’s gonna take time and more schooling. But once I achieve my goals, I will be very happy with the results.
I have been a volunteer at Eureka Faith Center for over a year now. It has been a gohd with Eureka Faith Center Foursquare church. I volunteer monthly. Usually twice a month, but if I’m needed I normally will step up and help. On Sundays, I serve in the nursery as a babysitter for ages 0-2 years old. I take care and entertain the small infants while their parents are in the big sanctuary worshiping and learning about God. I have learned a lot about how to socialize with other people and how to speak in public. I’ve also learned more about responsibilities and how important it is to manage your responsibilities wisely. It allowed me to take a huge step out of my comfort zone because I am a very shy person and having to greet people as they enter a room was a major lesson for me. But I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to serve at the church. Another one of my duties as a volunteer includes Ushering and Greeting. My job is too stand by the door and smile and say “Good morning” to everyone that walks through. I also hand every person a program for the service. This is probably my favorite thing to do at the church because I get the opportunity to put smiles on peoples face and meet more people that I don’t necessarily see everyday. I am very grateful and blessed.