As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Calculus, Earth Science, English, Latin, Mathematics, Physical Science, Spanish, U.S. History, World History
Education History
I have completed 9th and 10th grade of High school. I took my first credit baring class in 7th grade by taking Algebra 1, and I passed the class with an A+ average. Since then I have taken the highest courses offered by my school. I have received one B in my whole High School career. I am currently in my second year of a technical school program, that I attend every other day at school. By my time of graduating, I will receive my certification as a licensed Cosmetologist. I do not plan to become a hairdresser, but I would love to use my license and skills to make a living while I am in school.
In Middle School I was chosen as a "My Lady", which was a nomination and merit based award. I was recognized for my character and high grades. Since then I have been recognized in High School for my straight A's and excellent attendance.
Acoustic Guitar, Songwriter, Vocalist - Soprano
Makeup, Marketing
Visual Arts
• SkillsUSA Fantasy Makeup Challenge Contestant
Additional Info
I personally enjoy school and staying sharp by studying, but I love being artistic and musician even more. I have played the guitar and sang in front of many crowds and shows. In my church and school I have been apart of many choirs in my free time. In terms of my art, I love to take my time to sketch and express my feelings and visualizations. My favorite pieces to draw are portraits, and I have been paid before to do them by peers and interested clients. I have had my teachers and colleagues even pick and select my art for shows and displays which is very fun rewarding process to be apart of. My favorite form of art though has to be cosmetology in the form of Art. I am in Cosmetology school as mentioned above, and I do at least 5 completed makeup looks every single class. I do this to grow and experiment and to better myself in my range of skills.
Cross Country, Track/Field, Volleyball
I have made it to the county and regional level for competition in track and field for 7th and 8th grade of Middle School. I made it to the state level for competing in Track and Field and Cross Country in High School. I have won the 200 meter, 400 meter, and 800 meter race many times during my High School Career. During my time in Volleyball I was granted a summer program scholarship by my volleyball coach, based on my short time progression and excelled work ethic.
Professional Interests
Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Financial, Investment Management, Marketing
Employment History
I work a part time, 20 hours a week job at Chuck-e-Cheese. I love my job but it is very difficult at times. I am a cashier and showroom hostess. I have also worked as a free lance makeup artist, doing prom and bridal looks for clients. Finally for those who are interested in my services, I clean houses regularly.
Community Service
I have been apart of my local church since 6th grade, and one of my favorite parts of my youth's program is our exorbitant amount of community service that we are a part of. By breaking down the events completed thus far, I have completed 300 hours of service at least. To fill this time, I have traveled to help urban gardens, connected with my local shelters to aid in abandoned animals and the homeless needs, and I have helped build homes for those in need of a place to stay. I have been apart of many fundraisers and other opportunities and through these experiences I am grateful to have grown in many personal ways.