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Education History
I'm currently in AP world history, 3 dual enrollment classes. All my classes are Pre-AP. and i am ranked top 10 out of 539 students
For the summer i completed a two-week course with the Brownsville Police Department earning an award for vice-president in the Junior Police Academy. I was awarded a top 10 percent medal for being #32 out of 539 students in my class. I am enrolled in the Interact Rotary Sponsored Club where we do community service around my community such as walk for cancer, writing letters to military without family, proving homeless with clothes and blankets etc. I was awarded an outstanding certificate from the president by my academic performance.
Additional Info
One of the few things i love about my vacations is that i never stop doing community service. I usually help out in gardens or my family and I make dozens of tamales and coffee and we give to the homeless by the center. I'm currently enrolled in the Brownsville Police Explorers post #8 where once a month we do in event for our community. With the explorers we helped out in the Veterans Parade, we donated Christmas toys. gave turkeys out to the poverty stricken.