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Education History
• I went to Providence Classical Christian School from first to tenth grade, where I received a classical education and learned Latin from third grade to tenth grade. In ninth and tenth grade, I enrolled in Honors English and Honors Latin.
• I transferred to Cedar Park Christian School for my junior year and I will complete my senior year there. I am enrolled in Honors English and Honors math.
• In ninth and tenth grade, at Providence Classical Christian School, both years I received the Faculty Award for exemplary conduct, attitude, and academic effort.
• I received four awards for scoring high on the National Latin Exam, one award for each year I took the exam, from seventh to tenth grade.
• In Cedar Park cross country and track and field, I have received the "Barnabas Award," which is a character award for encouragement and leadership, four times. I received the Most Valuable Player award in girls cross country in tenth and eleventh grade. In eleventh grade cross country, I received the Coach's Award.
• I have received varsity awards for all my cross country and track seasons, two cross country seasons and two track seasons.
• Every cross country and track season, I have received awards for maintaining over a 3.5 GPA during the season.
• I participated in National Honors Society my junior year, in which I was required to participate in at least 15 hours of community service over the course of the year.
• I participated in a weekly program called the Ambassador Program at Cedar Park in which I helped international students at the school with their homework.
• I have been an aid for a disabled girl at my church. I helped her about once a month during church for about two years.
• I went on a mission trip to Belize City with Cedar Park. We painted schoolroom walls and had organized activities for the school children.