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Potential Majors
Psychology - Clinical & Counseling, Psychology - General
Education History
I've completed high school in Brazil, and I have an associate's business degree from Brazil as well. A few years ago I started to pursue a degree in Psychology. I've obtained an associate's degree in General Studies-Social & Behavioral Sciences from El Camino College. I'm going to start my first semester at CSULB in January 2022 to obtain an undergraduate psychology degree.
I have made it to the Dean's list in 2019.
Employment History
I'm completely independent here with no family support, therefore I have always worked mostly full time. Currently, I have been working as a family assistant to a family in Redondo Beach. A couple with two kids. My bosses are both very successful. The mom is the marketing director at an engineering company and the dad is the vice president at space-x. I have been working for them for the last five years. Initially as their nanny and now as an all-around personal assistant.