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Education History
I am currently a senior at James Madison Highschool. I was elected school president of Oakton Elementary, creating many events and fundraisers.
Additional Info
I took photography for 2 years in my highschool career and plan to go back to it later in my college career.
Recieved 9 Alll American certificates for being top 100 in the country for highschools throughout my highschool swimming career so far. 10th in the country for highschool swimming as a junior in the 50 yard freestyle.
Additional Info
Also competed on a swim team with a state championship 3 years in a row.
Employment History
Worked as a swim coach for young kids learning how to swim.
Community Service
Started a nonprofit orginization raising thousands of dollars which would go to the National Wildlife orginization for endangered species. Also worked for a nonprofit orginization teaching less fortunate kids how to swim.