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Algebra I, Algebra II, American Literature, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Communications, English, Finance, Fine Arts, Geometry, Mathematics, Physical Education, Reading, Science, Spanish, Statistics, U.S. Government, U.S. History, World History, Other
Education History
I am currently enrolled in all honors and at the end of my senior year I will have twenty-three hours of D.E. hours.
My freshman year in FFA, I placed 1st in the Western Region and 6th in the State of TN. I was also named Chapter Greenhand. My sophomore year I served a the chapter vice president and won the State Agriscience fair. My junior year I served as the chapter president and won the State Agriscience for the 2nd year in a row. I am currently serving as the Western Region Secretary and for the second year running as the chapter president. This is just a quick overview of my awards and achievements in FFA.