As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
i am currently a third year student at the University of Louisville. With an in-progress major of Psychology and a minor in Studio Art, I intend on pursuing graduate studies in the psychological field of Art Therapy.
Additional Info
As a former member of AFJROTC, I have accumulated over 20 awards relating to leadership and excellence. In regards to physical activity, I achieved Athlete of the Year in 2016, among the AFJROTC KY20003 unit.
Employment History
I have served in management for four years to present in food services.
Community Service
I have a wide range of experience in community services. As a former member of AFJROTC, I accumulated over 200 hours serving my local community. I've also organized personal service opportunities, including sending care packages to U.S. troops stationed in Africa in 2015. I have volunteered over the years with the Salvation Army as a food server to at risk populations. Additionally, I have volunteered my services in visual media services at my local church.