As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Additional Info
-Longwell green soccer captain
-Colston's Club lacrosse founder
-Netball Colston’s Team B Captain
-Rounder’s Colston’s Team B Captain
-Lake Norman XC Cross Country Captain 2019
-Lake Norman Varsity Lacrosse Captain 2019
Professional Interests
Financial, Management
Employment History
-Sales associate at Carter’s children apparel store (started 2019- present)
-2-week internship with Leidos
Community Service
-Colston’s Heroes (I volunteered around the school cleaning it and organizing classroom and the cadet force room.)
-School club volunteering at all school events and in the community frequently (lots of church events- all for my volunteering clubs: Beta, NHS, Keywanettes)
-Volunteer at Our Lady of Lourdes Vacation Bible School
-Campus Beautification throughout the year