Member Type: Postsecondary Institution
Visitors: 564
School Information
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC
Rock Hill
South Carolina
Zip Code
Full Address - Map
701 Oakland Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29733 [map]
Phone Number
Year Founded
About Us
Winthrop is a public, comprehensive university that is ranked 6th by U.S. News & World Report among Southern public universities and in the top 15 of public and private institutions in the region. Through an educational experience that blends liberal arts, professional programs, global awareness and civic engagement, Winthrop will help you develop the knowledge, skills, and values that will enrich your life and prepare you for all the future holds.
Founded in 1886, Winthrop offers bachelor's and master's degrees through both on-campus and online programs. Our historic and scenic campus is located in Rock Hill, South Carolina, just 20 minutes south of Charlotte. Our traditions of national caliber academics, championship athletics, and student-centered achievements create a campus community that is known for its diversity, excellence, and family atmosphere.
Campus Setting
Suburb/Town close to a Large Urban Area
Common App School
Degree Type
Bachelor's (4-year) Degree
Disability Services
Services for the hearing impaired, Services for the mobility impaired, Services for the visually impaired
Entrance Difficulty
Wide Open (admits over 2/3 of applicants)
Gender Mix
Graduation Rate
50% or higher
Accounting, Anthropology, Art Education, Art History, Criticism & Conservation, Art, General, Athletic Training, Biology, General, Business Administration & Management, General, Business/Management Quantitative Methods, General, Business/Managerial Economics, Chemistry, Communications, General, Computer & Information Sciences, General, Computer Science & Programming, Computer Software & Media Applications, Consumer & Family Economics, Criminology, Dance, Design & Visual Communications, General, Digital Communications/Media, Economics, Elementary Education, English Language & Literature, General, English/Language Arts Education, Environmental Science, Finance, General, Fine/Studio Arts, Food & Nutrition, Foreign Languages Education, Foreign Languages/Literatures, General, Graphic Design, Health & Physical Education/Fitness, Health Services Administration,General, History, Hotel/Motel Management, Human Resources Management, Interior Design, International Business Management, International Relations & Affairs, Journalism, Broadcast, Journalism, Print, Junior High/Middle School Education, Law (Pre-Law), Liberal Arts & General Studies, Marketing Management & Research, Mass Communications, Mathematics Education, Mathematics, General, Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Multimedia/Animation/Special Effects, Music Education, Music, General, Music, Performance, Music, Theory & Composition, Philosophy, Photography, Physical Education & Coaching, Physical Therapy (Pre-Physical Therapy), Political Science & Government, Psychology, Clinical & Counseling, Psychology, General, Radio & Television Broadcasting, Religion, Science Education, Secondary Education, Small Business Management/Operations, Social Sciences, General, Social Studies/Sciences Education, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish Language & Literature, Special Education, Sport & Fitness Administration/Management, Teacher Education, General, Teacher Education, Subject-Specific, Theatre Arts/Drama
On-Campus Housing
Online Degree Available
Public or Private
School Size
Small (2,001 to 7,000 students)
Sport(s) Programs
Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Equestrian, Fencing, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball
Student Organizations
Academic Clubs, Academic Fraternities, Academic Sororities, Business, Choir, Commuter, Concert Band, Environmental, Fraternities, Honors/Academic, International, Jazz Band, LGBT, Minority Cultural, Minority Student, Newspaper, Orchestra, Pre-Dental, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical, Pre-Veterinary, ROTC - Air Force, ROTC - Army, Sororities, Sports/Intramurals, Student Government, Theatre/Drama
Tuition and Fees
$20,000 or less