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Algebra I, Algebra II, Art, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Communications, English, Fine Arts, French, Geography, Geometry, Physical Education, Physics, Science, U.S. Government, U.S. History, World History, Other
Education History
I have had six years of Mathematics, four years of Science, four years of English, and four years of Social Studies.
I have had the honor of receiving both the honor roll and merit roll awards for all of my high school years. I also received an authors award for publishing a book in my seventh grade year.
Actor, Fine Arts
Visual Arts
Animation/Cartooning, Drawing
Professional Interests
Community Service
I have participated in tutoring other when they needed help on a specific subject. I was also in the student council in which I helped with some fundraising events such as candy sales during the holidays. I was also part of the journalism club and hosted parts of the homecoming dance and game.