As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I am in the final stages of getting my AA emphasis Education at Highline College. Through this process, I have taken three education classes about education and child development. I am currently enrolled in my first practicum course and I am working with a kindergarten classroom. My prior experience with children is babysitting children aged 3 to 12. I have also been teaching at my Taekwondo school (GoodsATA), helping out with the tiny tiger program, which consists of children aged 3 to 5, teaching them the basics of Taekwondo.
I have recieved awards from Highline College, celebrating by acomlishment of completing 15, 25 and 50 credits of classes within two years.
I practice Taekwondo, and have been for two years. In those two years I have gotten three trophys and three medals. Two first place forms, Two first place combat weapons, and one first sparring and one third place sparring.
Employment History
I have not held an official position in any job. But for the last two years I have been helping teach at my Taekwondo school, teaching tiny tigers and white through yellow belt classes. I have achieved the rank of red-black belt (which is one belt below first degree black belt).
Community Service
I have assisted in a We The People competition in early 2017 in Olympia, WA. and have assisted in teaching Taekwondo for the last two years.