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Education History
Been going to James Irwin since my 3rd grade year. I am planning on taking my requirements to graduate when it comes to my academics ( with the highest grade as I can get them to be).
An award of completion for my middle school years, certificate for my 2nd consecutive semester of academic excellence by maintaining a minimum 3.7 grade average, a certificate for my 3rd consecutive semester of academic excellence by maintaining a minimum 3.7 grade average, a certificate for my 4th consecutive semester of academic excellence by maintaining a minimum 3.7 grade average, a certificate for my 5th consecutive semester of academic excellence by maintaining a minimum 3.7 grade average, a Certificate of Membership for the National Honors Society, a certificate of appreciation for being the manager of my school's baseball team during the year of 2018, a certificate of participation for being manager of my school's baseball team for the year of 2018, a certificate of participation for being manager of my school's baseball team for the year of 2019, and an JICHS National Honors Society Award for "Most Service Hours."
I have a total number of 550 hours logged on a physical log of all my volunteer hours that I have accumulated since my sophomore year.