As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
• Participating in the one act Hamlet our production received second in our section
• Receiving 2 Scholastic gold keys for my photography 12th grade
• Participating in the one act Julius Cesar my production received second in our section 12th grade
Employment History
• Verizon/ Indirect agent 2017- present
working as a sales associate selling phones and accessories to customers. Most importantly working on meeting my numbers to allow the sales team as a whole to flourish.
Banana Republic / Shipment unpacker
2017-2018 summer job
I worked in the mornings unloading shipments and sorting the clothes. Then stocking the shelves and making the store clean for opening.
• Befresh productions 2020-present
• Working as an unpaid intern with the communications team to help them work on the advertising relations in Minneapolis. Gathering information, creating logos and doing photoshoots.
Community Service
• Theater camp 2017-2018
• Volunteering at a camp with kids helping them to learn their lines and how to act. Helping to direct the kids so that the show would be successful and the kids would stay on task.
• Boy-scouts 6th grade-present
•For my Eagle Scout project I had too organize a large scale service project.
• Along with as senior patrol leader I organized meetings and helped run the troop.
Additional Info
Project details: For my project, I organized a collection project for Mobile Loaves Twin Cites gathering donations of hats, gloves, scarves, small backpacks, long underwear and hotel sized hygiene products. The project was spaced out over 2 weekends each having 5 teams comprised of 1 driver and roughly 2 youth. During the first weekend teams passed out the fliers with bags stapled to them to 1500 houses in the Minneapolis area. The following weekend I sent out the same number of teams to collect the donations from the residents' door steps. Once that was completed, we reconvened at the church to sort everything.