As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
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I took dance classes for two years, did show choir for three years, did the fall musical as the sound techie for three years as well as the sound techie for one act for two years.
Baseball, Field Hockey, Softball
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I did basketball softball and field hockey for three years each. I played center in basketball, third and first base in softball (loved third base) and played as a sweep in field hockey but was always switching with girls so they could have a break
Professional Interests
Employment History
I am at the moment working for two companies. One works with special needs people and the home is elderly so the medical needs is very high. The other job works with people who have autism. Both jobs touched my heart. The first one reminded me of my sister who is special needs and how she will need that care some day and I feel so grateful that I get to do that for someone else in my life time. The other one lets me work from age 6 and up. That makes me help teach the people I work with and on the goals they have made for them to work on. It warms my heart that I get to help people that really need it and I really want to continue that in my future job. That's why I choose nursing.
Community Service
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I have close to 100 hours of community service. I helped with the Christmas tree decoration table at my school for two years. I also did a 30 hour famine to help raise money for children who do not get to eat as much as I do or even get to eat at all. I also helped with a by scout dinner. We helped make, serve, pick up after the party, and we helped take cake home when no one else wanted to from the event. I wish I got to do more but I was so busy with other school activities that I did not get a chance to do more. Once I get done with school, I plan to get involved with an organization on my days off from work or after/before work as much as possible.