As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Potential Majors
Counseling & Student Services, Human Resources Development/Training, Psychiatric/Mental Health Technician, Psychology - Clinical & Counseling, Psychology - General, Rehabilitation Therapy, Social Work
Renaissance Award 2010- awarded to 1 senior from the graduating class whom overcame adversity while still completing school. I overcame an illness- I was being treated for a rare brain tumor through out high school (home schooled for my sophomore and junior year) but still graduated with my class though it was extremely difficult.
Additional Info
I am a retired athlete who had big plans to pay for school by getting a scholarship based off my athletic ability but when I was diagnosed with the disorder that I had, my life turned upside down. 11 years later after graduating high school I am still dealing with some health issues but have now been blessed with the strength to return to school and hope to use this scholarship to pay for the tuition. I am determined to finish my degree, finally.
Professional Interests
Healthcare, Human Resources, Nonprofit - Social Services, Training/Coaching, Other