As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I've attended both public and private school and have loved both. I attended Valley Christian High school for four years and participated in a lot of extra-curricular, academic, and social events.
I've been awarded honor roll for two years and maintained a GPA above 3.3 for all four years of high school.
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Like many, my motivation decreased during the Coronavirus pandemic. However, I remained resilient and fought to stay awake and involved in anything I could get my hands on.
For theatre-related awards, I've recieved a few leadership/performance awards in school. These include, a "Quest award" in my freshman year for Dance, I was a semi-finalist in the school-wide scholarship competition, and I won "best female newcomer" for the Theatre program. (This was also during my freshman year.)
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Aside from in-school participation, I've also been actively involved with community theatre / performing arts events. The summer before attending high school I won two gold metals in both the Solo, and duet category at the local CETA Middle Stage Festival. I was invited to perform in my theatre company's huge fundraiser event and got to perform alongside broadway performers. (Children's Musical Theatre San Jose Gala 2020)
Employment History
• I worked as both a counselor and an instructor at a local theatre company, Children's Musical Theatre San Jose. In my time as a counselor I supervised children under 9 throughout a 6 hour camp day involving a rotation of 5 different theatre-themed classes. As an instructor, I taught kids ages 6-14 in a class called "Stagecrafts." This, was essentially a class built to teach technical aspects of theatre through arts and crafts.
•I also worked as an associate for about 6 months at a retail store called Pacific Sunwear & co.
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The camps I worked were in-person during COVID, so the protocol for the entirety of them was extremely strict and specific. These kids hadn't seen other kids in months and so I took it upon myself to go above-and-beyond to make the experience fun and fulfilling while also maintaining strict social distancing guidelines to keep them safe.
Community Service
• Local public school (taught, tutored, cleaned, decorated, filed papers, answered office calls)
• Church Halloween Event - prepared food, set up and tear down, supervised children in outdoor carnival activities
• Church babysitting - babysat 3 infants alongside a staff member while the children's parents attended a Sunday church service
• High school crab feed - Prepared and served food at a neighboring high school's Annual Crab Feed (I was also in charge of a table for the whole night)