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Education History
In elementary school, I was enrolled in both the Gifted and Talented program and other program named Quest. In middle school, I took honors courses in 6th grade but then after switching to another school (both of which were magnet schools) I was placed in enriched honors courses. In middle school I did two years of Spanish instead of completing it in high school. In high school, I was looking for a challenge I switched to Latin and started the IB program. I was also required to take the Human Geography AP test, which of had gotten on five on it. Currently, I am working to earn my IB diploma with the highest grades possible, whilst balancing my extracurriculars, sports, and SAT prep.
Starting in elementary school, I placed second in the science fair for my whole school, having done all the work independently. In middle school, I received the award for being top ten percent both in seventh grade and eighth grade. In sixth I was given an award for perfect attendance and another for being the best math student. In my freshman year of high school, the only award that I received was the Magna Cum Laude award for the National Latin Exam. In the beginning of tenth grade (September), I participated in my first debate tournament. After finishing the tournament, I was a quarter finalist and was given a small trophy.
Additional Info
In middle school, I was in National Honor Society. In high school, I participated in many more clubs: DECA, Key Club, Debate, Tennis, and HOSA. Also I am beginning to start up my own club (more info later).
While taking art I received two awards, these awards were placing second on color other in GISD art show and placing second once more an a Texas art event (pretty sure both were for first year art students).
Additional Info
When other was selected this is referring to the art class I took freshman year.
I was given a MVP award for my field event success in triple jump (I placed the highest in all the field events for eight grade boys).
Employment History
My employment history is extremely minimal with having only worked as a referee for one soccer season and doing construction work for one summer.
Community Service
Currently, I am participating in Key Club, which is an organization for volunteering. Also, the club I mentioned above is a type of volunteering (once again more info later). In middle school, the only community service I did was the 30 hour requirement for NJHS.