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Art, Astronomy, Calculus, Fine Arts, Other
Education History
• I graduated as a valedictorian from my highschool with a GPA of 4.36.
• I'm currently a sophomore at Fresno State.
• I'm averaging 15-18 units a semester so far as well as summer courses so that I can graduate in four years.
• I'm working towards a Graphic Design major with a Business Marketing minor.
• Top 5-10% of all my classes since entering high school.
• In the 2019-2020 academic year I made both the Dean's and President's list.
• High School Valedictorian GPA 4.36
Additional Info
I love learning and pushing myself to succeed. Even as a sophomore in college I'm still averaging mostly As and Bs in my courses.
Visual Arts
Graphic Design, Illustration, Painting, Photography, Web Design
Additional Info
My major is an arts degree so I spend a lot of my time practicing with different artistic mediums.
Professional Interests
Advertising, Design, Marketing, Media/News/Publishing
Employment History
• I interned as an online marketer through my highschool to a local business.
• I worked with Fresno Unified School District for 8 weeks during the summer as a TA for elementary summer school.
• I do occasional house keeping for my neighbor to help cover art course material costs.
Community Service
• I volunteered at my church for an hour every Sunday for four years.
• On November 6, 2018 I volunteered to work at an Election Booth for 15 hours.
• I participated in ePathways Academy for three weeks over the summer before the 2018-2019 school year for 60 hours.
• Volunteered with BitWise's Learn STEAM program during 2018-2019 school year.