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Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology, Calculus, Communications, Engineering, English, Mathematics
Education History
I am a high school graduate, and also have an AAST for "Electronics Engineering Technician"
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I enjoyed my time going to Bellingham technical college, so I am very excited to move forward with my education after I have gained some insight into what my career will become through working in the tech industry.
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Nothing outstanding. I played Violin and viola in high school. not that I'm any good anymore, but it has allowed me to appreciate orchestral music in a much more powerful way.
Professional Interests
Employment History
I have worked for the companies FEI, and Thermofisher Scientific for a cumulative 6 years in the field of electron microscopy.
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I enjoy seeing the development of technology as I worked for these companies, which made it hard to leave, but I wished to strive to become a part of that development at a higher level.
Community Service
I have done some volunteer work for the Bellingham parks a recreation, as well as assisted in teen programs for the Bellingham public library.