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Education History
• Dunbar High School Graduate
• Heritage Institute Graduate
• (Occupational Associates)
• Basic Training at US Marine Corps
• Communications training at US Marine Corps
• Leadership Education at US Marine Corps
Meritorious promotion to Lance Corporal at US Marine Corps
Additional Info
The spirit of this essay is more important to me than it's actual content. It isn't to say that I'd like the content is to be brushed off, like dust from a shelf, but that the essence of these words come from a more valuable place in my heart, and therefore are crucial for me to effectively communicate.
It's the spirit of freedom which exists, even within the confines of the darkest cages of bondage. It's a spirit which flies high and effortlessly above the laborious, day to day activities of life; even while remaining in the reality we experience of consistent obstacles to overcome in life it remains innocent and faithful. It's the tender spirit of a child, going to sleep on Christmas Eve, awaiting the magic of the day to come. It's simultaneously the spirit of a single mother who lays her child to bed; she isn't sure how she will care for her little beloved with the resources she has, but somehow knows that life itself will find a way.
Life does find a way doesn't it? Even in our moments of defeat, we can all look back and find that somehow, life found a way. I'm sure that we all can remember certain times in our lives which seemed hopeless to the point of certain death. Our memories can go back to those times of heart ache and heart break if we sit a little while and let them surface. In those moments it seemed like time stood still and the laws of nature themselves were hell bent on causing suffering, despair, and woe to one individual in particular, ourselves. Can we also remember the healing which took place? Can we remember the growth? Are we able to focus our attention for just a moment on our very own spirit which was able to overcome such adversity? Does our memory fade to such an extent that we inadvertently omit the scene where life, somehow, found a way?
Such is life! We forget. We have dreams which come true and we forget. We have goals which have been accomplished and milestones which have been reached but the cares of life, in the moment, steal away such precious magic. We got our first car, kissed for the first time, fell in love, got the job, started a family, won first place, or even assisted in saving a life! Such memories of wonder and magic are overthrown so easily by the bills which need paying, the next fight with our spouse, the job which feels so constricting, and the questions of what more could have been done to save a life lost.
I have found that it's not only possible, but effortless to keep such