As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Education History
I've taken AP classes every year of high school, as well as honors and advanced classes. I've either completed all of my required credits to graduate or I'm in track to complete my remaining ones for senior year. I've also taken additional math, science, and history classes as electives. For instance: AP Human Geography, Earth Science, Chemistry, Anthropology, Human Anatomy. Some arts classes I've taken are: Photography, Commercial photography, Culinary & advanced, Sewing & advanced, interior design. I've also taken some classes that have taught me beneficial skills. For example: Independent living, Money Talks (teaching about taxes and banks; how our economy works), Microsoft office (taught me how to master all Microsoft office programs).
I was in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America or FCCLA. We did a lot of volunteer work and held many fundraising events. We just helped raised money for our club and school, either at local businesses or the school itself.
Additional Info
FCCLA taught me many skills, like communication, teamwork, and leadership.