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Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Other
Education History
• 2+3 accelerated pharmacy program
Dean's Honor Roll - GPA of 3.5 and above
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I am in an 2+3 accelerated pharmacy program in my university in which I have two years to complete the required undergraduate courses for the program and then proceed to pharmacy school for three years. Since I am in the accelerated program, I do not have a major. However, I am taking courses necessary to earn a Bachelor's of Science on top of my PharmD.
Professional Interests
Healthcare, Pharmaceutical
Employment History
• Tutor (2019-2020)
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I am currently employed as a tutor at my university's library, in which I tutor organic chemistry, general chemistry, and general biology.
Additional Info
I am currently in a club called Circle K International which focuses on community service, leadership, and fellowship. During my time in the club, I have helped clean local parks, created cards and other helpful items for those with disabilities, and sorted items donated to a thrift store.
I helped sort and shelve books at my public library.
I tutored students at my middle school and high school when I was in high school.
At the voting polls in my hometown, I set up and took down the voting booths and tables. I also assisted voters if they had issues or questions, as well as sorted and counted ballots.