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Employment History
• New City Microcreamery: August 2018- Present
• Market Basket: August 2017- June 2018
Community Service
• Educational Equity Student Union (Full-Time Volunteer & School Liaison): a completely student-run, inter-school group founded this year, focusing on providing equal and accessible opportunities to less fortunate students. Specifically, we are working with public elementary schools in low-income areas of Worcester, MA, leading workshops for the students after school every week to help teach and foster key leadership skills and English language learning. Volunteers work together to create lesson plans for each week. We also assist with fundraising for school supplies and other needs to ensure success in the classroom for each student, as well as exploring the realm of civic engagement having to do with ensuring equal and equitable education for all. By assuming the role of school liaison, I host meetings and coordinate volunteers from Tahanto while acting as a member of the board and organizing fundraisers and spreading awareness in my school’s community.
• WHEAT Community Cafe- Clinton, MA: Preparing and serving meals to low income and homeless families and individuals, as well as receiving donations and stocking pantry, and cleaning area after meals
• Service Learning in Nicaragua (February 2018): One week trip of service and cultural immersion to Managua and Granada, Nicaragua, helping construct a 6th grade classroom in the community of Los Campos through EF Tours & Me to We. This trip was through the Global Citizenship Club.