As a MyMozaic member you will be able to recruit thousands of talented high school and college students to attend your school or apply for an open job position at your company.
Employment History
I have been been employee for 2 years at Grand Avenue Theater in Belton, Texas. I hold the position of Team Lead.
Community Service
I am Vice President for my community service organization, Key Club, which serves my local community. We have partnered with local organizations such as Helping Hands food pantry to assist with a food drive and Feed My Sheep to serve meals to the homeless. Through my church’s youth group, I was given the opportunity to participate in a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. In the village of Severet, we learned how to hand make a sidewalk from scratch. In the village of Ascensión, my team and I served at a local children's feeding drive.
Additional Info
Overall, community service is a huge part of my life and I don’t see that ever changing. It has humbled me as a person and makes me appreciate the little things in life. The opportunities I have described have given me a different outlook on myself, the world, and how I fit into it. These experiences have affected me for the long term. I want to continue on in college and beyond finding ways to serve my community because it is not only my responsibility, but my calling.